Explore Lina Iris Viktor’s fantastical artwork, displayed throughout Sir John Soane’s Museum in our new exhibition Mythic Time / Tens of Thousands of Rememberings.

Using themes of nature, memory, cultures, and traditions, Viktor’s work unearths connections from ancient Egypt to indigenous Australian art. Taking inspiration from her work, young people attending this workshop will be able to create their own mixed media paintings and sculptures to display in a mini gallery.

Children are expected to attend the workshop unaccompanied by their adult. Please ensure they are provided with a packed lunch. Please do not bring any products with nuts in. 

Note this workshop will take place in the Art Room in the basement of no. 14 Lincoln’s inn Fields, next door to the Museum. If your child requires wheelchair access, please get in touch with education@soane.org.uk in advance of your visit and we can arrange this for you.