Joshua Bristow

London Metropolitan University, UK

Construction as Heritage: A Case for Discrete Industry, 2019

Pencil and conte on tracing paper

‘A series of working drawings mapping out design possibilities for a scheme of light industrial buildings within the urban context of Longton, Stoke-on-Trent. The drawings oscillate between scaled orthographic representation, and superimposed views of the proposed towers’ figurative quality. These are set within the charged, industrial cityscape of ruinous potbanks (pottery factories) and contemporary, large-scale retail shed buildings.’

Winner - Hand-drawn

Marc Brousse

Bordeaux, France

Dear Hashima, 2019

Ink, charcoal and invisible ink on paper

‘This drawing is taken from a series investigating urban expressions of utopia (urbatopia) from the ancient world to the future. The drawings use a technique called ‘traitillism’ and feature a second layer of invisible ink. Revealed in UV light, this represents the soul of the city. Depicted here is the Japanese island of Hashima, commonly called Gunkanjima meaning Battleship Island. A coal mining centre, it was once known as the most densely populated city in the world, and was abandoned in 1974.’

Find out more about the entrant in an interview with the Soane Youth Panel.

Matthew Poon

Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, UK

Polymorphous Spatial Monosodium Glutamate, 2020

Pencil on paper (enlarged digital print shown here)

‘This intricate drawing presents a diorama (a miniature, 3-D scene) to suggest uncanny encounters between the reality that we experience on a day-to-day basis and virtual worlds. The resultant architecture conveys an authenticity and intensity of flavours, ‘alive’ with character, behaviour and reaction.’

Find out more about the entrant in an interview with the Soane Youth Panel.